TOM I. #WeAreGettingVaccinated (#SzczepimySię)” – are we? Public perception of the campaign conducted by the Polish government on Facebook encouraging vaccination against COVID-19

The text aims to present and systematize the knowledge about the COVID- 19 pandemic, vaccination against the virus, as well as to present the results of research on social reactions to the government’s information campaign #SzczepimySię in a selected social media service (Facebook). Posts published by the ambassadors of the campaign, entities related to its creation, and the reactions of the recipients of the campaign from the moment it was launched, until 15th June, 2021, were analysed. The following text presents the public mood towards the published campaign posts marked with the hashtag #SzczepimySię. Two research methods were used to conduct the analysis: content analysis, the purpose of which was to detail and systematise the knowledge about the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, and a case study of the government campaign. The presented research is indicative – it serves to map the most general trends in publishing and reception of campaign content, at the same time, through testing, it proposes a systematic way of studying it.

Keywords: COVID-19, Facebook, #SzczepimySię, social campaign, vaccinations, vaccination programme